1st day
A word of mouth took me to this secluded town in the north Palawan. Never imagined that there exists a place like this. I had no idea that after a long trip from El Nido, I will be carried away with long riptides, magical sunsets and one of the best beach walk in my life. The bone-jarring trip from Alimangoan Junction will end up in this sleepy town inside. San Vicente is an agricultural and fishing village nestled in the foot of the mountains which provides them an unlimited water supply. Long Beach is the next tourist destination after the completion of their airport. Going to the town is quite a sacrifice since the road is not fully paved but there’s an ongoing road rehabilitation. Beachfront properties were already sold out and fenced. People said that this is the next beach destination in the country. No doubt. The clean and crystal clear water, the longest stretch of white sand in the country and the stunning sunset will never tire us from staying or living in San Vicente.
I arrived in town late afternoon and immediately lodged in the recommended place and never had a second thought of going out. Just went straight to the shower and jumped into the bed. I felt refreshed after a couple of hours of sleep and decided to explore a little bit. Few stores lined up beside the dusty road. Nothing much to see so I went back to my cottage and went back to sleep.

2nd day
Walked through the beach early in the morning. I spotted 2 piglets digging holes at the beach. Laid back country style is still there. The traditional way of fishing which they call “salap” is being practiced. I waited for the fishermen to gather the fish and lucky enough to buy some for the amount of Php 20.00. The lady even insisted to fill my plastic container but I refused. It might collapse. Walked all through the edge of the long beach and ended up in the town proper. It’s just a small town. Like a barangay. Stores had limited supply. Few bus and van company traveling to Puerto Princesa lined at the terminal. I went back to my cottage to cook some for lunch. Spontaneously, I decided to transfer to another accommodation place (Myrla’s Garden & Cottages) which is nicer and cooler. Got a little discount of a hundred per night. Not bad at all. The staff were friendly and accommodating. The owner was so nice to me that she even gave some free meals. Nanay Myrna- the owner was a retired school principal in their barangay. A cancer survivor and a widower. Her kids went to different places and lives with her mother and a helper. She just opened the place a few months ago. Generosity is in her hand. I can’t say no to her. Sunset viewing was part of my daily routine. Perfect to end up the day.

3rd day
Skin peeling is on-going now. Damn! I got this since I was in Balabac Islands. The only activity for today is to explore the long beach. Two times you’ll see people at the beach: early morning and late afternoon. I spotted some fishermen waving while I was walking at the beach. My goal is to finish the 14km long stretch of white sand beach. The longest in the country. The water was so calm and inviting. Reaching the edge was a great reward. The end part was a living museum of rock formations which is different from the rock formations in Biri Island, Guimaras Island and others. I managed to go on skinny dipping. Hahaha! Going back to the place is a great punishment because of the scorching heat and I’m fucking thirsty I didn’t bring some water. Every time the sun was covered with clouds, I resumed walking. I can’t resist my thirst so I decided to climb the coconut tree. Got 2 fresh young coconuts which I devoured the one and brought the other in my cottage. Videoke for the night. I was too lucky that Nanay Myrna was so nice and she had a guy repair the machine so I can sing.

4th day
Trekking. Nanay Myrna arranged for my ride going to a place called “Little Baguio”. They said there is a falls up there so I was eager to see it. The sunrays trying to get into my room was inviting and I had a quick sip of coffee and rode the motorbike on the way to the mountains. Reaching to the jumping off point, I noticed a lot of rubbish floating at the little pond with fish of different sizes swimming in. I advanced my trek until I arrived at the water treatment facility and met the 2 staff who maintains the facility. According to them, they stay at the treatment facility for a week tending the place until they’ll be replaced with another. The trek took me an hour including rest periods. After trekking, my hired driver took me to the airport. The construction is ongoing and expected to be finished in the next 3 years paving the way for tourists and expected to flock at the long beach. The heat was scorching & I need to go back to my cottage. Upon arrival, lunch was served for free. Awesome!

Where to stay: Myrla’s Garden has some basic rooms. Located in Brgy. New Agutaya, San Vicente. A few minutes walk from San Vicente Proper, just beside New Agutaya Elementary School. For bookings, contact the very accommodating Ms. Analyn at +63 9392060936 or Ms. Leizl at +63 9999941334.