At a towering height of 1315masl, Tres Marias is a popular destination for nature lovers visiting Biliran. The highest mountain in Biliran Island. One of my favorite in the Philippines due to its stunning landscape. Visited here twice in 2011 and 2012. I still have this desire to come back next time. It was a relief when we reached the...
Food is life and it’s always part of our travel. This article summarizes all the delicious food I had tried before and after climbing 6 mountains in 6 days in Central Java, Indonesia. From Jakarta to Bali, Indonesian cuisine is one of the best I had in my traveling years. It always amazes me how simply they turn a...
Compared to Fernando, I don't really prepare my trips. I don't research much so I can really be surprised and I can keep low expectations also... maybe. We heard the city has been chosen as “Top Destination for Tourists to Visit in 2019” by Australia Vogue Magazine. As we had a long weekend in January, we thought it would...
What is a Moroccan Carte De Séjour or Carte d'immatriculation? It is an identity card issued by the Kingdom of Morocco to foreign nationals who intends to live, work, study, reunite with their family in Morocco, conduct professional or business activity. Moving to another country is such a great challenge. It means leaving your family, friends, job, your house,...
I had been to this island several times but still didn’t write something. So far my favorite among all the scattered islands around Biliran province due to accessibility and affordability especially when traveling with a group. A few years ago, when I set foot into this paradise, there were no structures standing except those big boulders perfectly sitting on...