At a towering height of 1315masl, Tres Marias is a popular destination for nature lovers visiting Biliran. The highest mountain in Biliran Island. One of my favorite in the Philippines due to its stunning landscape. Visited here twice in 2011 and 2012. I still have this desire to come back next time.

My first visit in 2011
Registration area at Brgy. Sampao, Almeria, Biliran. The jumping off point to Tres Marias.

It was a relief when we reached the jumping off point in Sampao which took us 3 hours from Tacloban. We registered ourselves at the small house and started the trek immediately. The numerous waterfalls along the trails will surely tempt the exhausted climbers planning to reach the summit. Three major waterfalls including the Ulan-ulan, Recoletos, and Nomad. The most captivating among them all is the majestic Ulan-ulan waterfalls. Probably got its name due to its rainshower-like appearance gracefully falling on the rocky grounds. It’s the first waterfall you can see when scaling this mountain.

After a year, we embarked on another journey to this majestic mountain.
Sampawan waterfalls
The captivating Ulan-ulan waterfalls
Recoletos waterfalls
Nomad waterfalls
String beans in Spam.

The Aeta campsite is big enough to accommodate more or less 20 tents. It is nestled inside a woody forest. From campsite to the summit, the landscape changes dramatically to trees thickly covered with moss and pitcher plants clinging on branches. Some mountain rats and centipedes were observed on the summit. You have to climb in one of those bonsai trees for you to see the panoramic view of the ranges. Been there twice but still, I haven’t had the luck to see the clear view of the ranges.

Baby snake looking for some food
Carnivorous pitcher plant has modified leaves (pitfall traps) featuring a digestive fluid encased in a deep cavity.

How to get there:

From Tacloban, take a van or bus either in Abucay Terminal or van terminals situated in Tacloban City proper. Van Vans terminal is located in Burgos St while Duptours terminal in Avenida Veteranos St. From Naval, you can hire a habal-habal going to Sampao, Almeria.


Day 1

Depart in Tacloban via rented van                            0830H

Arrived in Brgy. Sampao, Almeria, Biliran                 1140H

Start of trek                                                          1200H

Arrived at campsite.                                              1800H

Pitched tent, dinner and socials

Lights off                                                              2300H


Day 2

Rise and shine                                                        0600H

Light breakfast                                                       0700H

Summit assault                                                       0940H

Arrived at summit                                                   1100H

Descend to campsite. Decamp.                                 1130H

Descend to Brgy. Sampao                                         1300H

Arrived in Brgy. Sampao                                           1700H

Back to Naval via habal-habal                                   1730H

Depart Naval, Biliran                                                1900H

Arrived in Tacloban. Home sweet home.                     2200H



Tacloban to Brgy. Sampao                                        Php 150.00

Sampao-Naval via habal                                            Php 50.00

Naval to Tacloban                                                    Php 120.00

Guide Fee per day                                                   Php 800.00


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I live my life everyday celebrating. An easy go lucky guy. Always hungry for adventure and learning different cultures. If I'm not at the summit, I'm at the sea. Traveling is my way of life. Deeply in love with mountaineering, swimming, skinny dipping, island hopping, fishing, and cycling. Loves good food, beer, music, and good human conversation. At home, I used to cook, do yoga, and meditate. A coffee lover. Stay most of my time at the outdoors, breathing the cold air, tasting the saltiness of sea breeze, watch the waves swiftly caressing the sand, listen to the flowing water of the river, pitch my tent or hang my hammock and sleep under 5 billion stars. I hate manicured places (resorts). Adores sunrise and sunset which gives me extraordinary energy.